Sunday, August 30, 2009

I came, I saw...But do i want to conquer?

I'm talking about the blogging :)...i'm not sure i wanted to write a blog...of all the things that is...but if so many ppl are doing this...there must be something in it....u see...i started orkutting after a long time of skeptism...but i later found it interesting...alteast i met a lot of ppl whom it wud hav been impossible to meet otherwise...
and if u are seeing too many smilies....blame it on my wife...she invariably ends each line with a :)

and ofcourse....there is atleast one guy who thinks i must put down my thots on paper...Akhilesh...but that was as only as long as we were sharing the same apartment...hmm...good strategy to escape from my "blades"....or so he thot... :))

i can go on and on and on...without any real subject...without any real story...but i seriously miss the reaction on the faces of ppl who listen to me...the modulation in the voice when i'm making a point... :))...i'm smiling as i am writing this...imagining my conversations :)

there are two things though...which i want to share....the story that i hav written which i hope some day will be made into a successful film....and my ideas to bring in a "educational revolution" ;))
right now i'm in no mood to write maybe some time later....


  1. Welcome to the world called Blogosphere!

  2. Et tu Brute? :-D. Welcome and hope you have much to write about :).

  3. ha...super guru...yavaga...enu ondhu release...all the best

  4. Welcome. Looking forward to reading about your thoughts and ideas.
